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Premium Superior Stucco cement bag in San Jose, CA

Superior Premium Cement

All-Purpose Plastering Cement

Superior Premium is a great alternative to plastic cement and meets or exceeds job site requirements for a portland cement-based plaster that complies with ASTM C150. Superior Premium is a factory blend of portland Type I-II cement, Gibco PRF (ICC-ESR 2581) and proprietary ingredients. Superior Premium comes in both Fibered and Non-Fibered, and is proven to provide excellent workability, high early strength and requires less water while mixing.

With the addition of Gibco PRF lime substitute, Superior Premium outperforms all other 3-coat base coats. As the Bay Area’s leading stucco manufacturer, we have developed products to meet the high demands of the stucco industry. We are proud to offer Superior Stucco 3-Coat Stucco Systems with our Superior Premium Cement and Superior Stucco Color Coat or Superior Stucco Acrylic Finish. We are here for you From Start to Superior Stucco Finish!

Download Superior Stucco Premim Cement Spec Sheet

Download Superior Premim Cement SDS Report


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