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Superior Stucco has designed CG-Mesh to reduce surface cracking as part of the Superior Stucco Crack-Guard System. When used with approved Superior Stucco base coats it will add improved impact resistance and flexural and tensile strength. CG-Mesh embedded in your wet base coat creates a woven matrix of protection against most surface cracking.

The Crack-Guard System consists of a polymer-modified, cementitious base coat that is applied over the substrate a minimum of 1/6-inch thick. Woven fiberglass mesh is then fully embedded in the wet base coat and troweled smooth, ensuring that no mesh is visible. Lastly, an approved Superior Stucco finish coat is applied over the dry base coat.


Superior Stucco CG-Mesh by Stucco Supply Co.

Download CG-Mesh Spec Sheet

Download CG-Mesh SDS Report











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Superior Stucco Exterior Color Coat is scientifically blended at our manufacturing facility and contains Portland cement, Hydrated Lime, sieved/graded inert aggregates and our Superior Stucco proprietary ingredients. Meets or exceeds ASTM C-926 Standards: Portland Cement Type I ASTM C150. Type S Hydrated Lime ASTM C-206.







Superior Stucco Exterior Color Coat is scientifically blended at our manufacturing facility and contains Portland cement, Hydrated Lime, sieved/graded inert aggregates and our Superior Stucco proprietary ingredients. Meets or exceeds ASTM C-926 Standards: Portland Cement Type I ASTM C150. Type S Hydrated Lime ASTM C-206. Exterior Color Coat is available in 16/20, 20/30, 60/30, All 20 and All 30 aggregates. Special finish blends or custom colors are available upon request. Coverage will vary depending on substrate, texture and thickness of application. Approximate coverage per 90 lb. (40.8 kg) bag: Sand Float Finish 15-18 sq. yards. Spanish texture 12-15 sq. yards. Machine Dash 8-12 sq. yards.












grey stucco home

Wetting Procedure

Hand Application

The Saturated Surface Dry ( SSD) Method is used to equalize absorption of exterior stucco material between coats.

Machine Application

It is not necessary to wet basecoat prior to application of exterior finish by machine as the material will have plenty of moisture when mixed.












Stucco Supply Co. building materials in San Jose, CA


Color integrated stucco finish – Using a mechanical plaster mixer, start with clean potable water. Mix for 10-15 minutes to a thin consistency until it is smooth and free of lumps. Superior Stucco Color Pack system – Mix one 90lb. bag with clean potable water to a thin smooth consistency and all of the color packs to be used for one “batch” and mix until color is evenly dispersed, (approximately 1 to 2 minutes). Thin the mixture with more water and then add the remaining bags of Superior Stucco Base Finish to a thicker consistency initially. After 10-15 minutes disengage mixing and let the material take on its’ initial “set” (3-5 minutes), then adjust water to desired consistency and only mix long enough to achieve desired material. For additional batches of the same color, thin remaining mixture and repeat steps above.







Superior Stucco Exterior Color Coat shall be minimally 1/8” thick. 28 days is required for proper curing.






Hand Application

Trowel on an even coat, then float or trowel to desired texture. *Ultra-Fine Float (60/30) sand Float finish or Smooth/Marble finish: Trowel apply an even coat completely covering the base coat and allow it to set; although prior to drying out, trowel apply a second tight coat of the same material over the first and sponge float/trowel the surface to the desired or approved finish level, using as little water as possible.






Machine Application

Spray the first coat covering the dry basecoat completely. After first coat has set/dry, apply second coat and bring to desired texture. During hot, dry, windy weather; a light misting with clean potable water of the dried product is recommended.

** If painting over finish material, please assure the alkaline level is Neutral. May cause efflorescence if the alkaline levels are too high.













Do not apply Superior Stucco Exterior Color Coat when the temperature is below 40 degrees F or above 100 degrees F. This range of temperature must be kept for 48 hours to ensure proper curing. Keep away from hydrostatic pressure (Moisture/water) after applying until dry. Do not apply Superior Stucco Exterior Color Coat until surface is free of all contaminates. Application in direct sunlight may affect the final outcome and color consistency. Under normal conditions, Superior Stucco Exterior Color Coat provides a uniform color finish. However, colors may vary due to job, base coat, weather and methods of application beyond the control of Stucco Supply. Our Superior Stucco Fog Coat may be specified to manage color consistency.







The above statement, recommendation, suggestions and technical data are based on the best knowledge to Stucco Supply and is given as information only, without any responsibility for their use. Stucco Supply makes no warranties or guarantees to this product, either expressed or implied with respect to merchantability or fitness for particular use of said product. Handling and use of product are out of the control of Stucco Supply, so no warranty is given.






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