Star Glue

Reach For the Stars
Superior Stucco Star Glue
Superior Stucco Star Glue is an excellent choice to adhere to EPS shapes (with reinforcing mesh) as well as used as a base coat over EPS board and as a Leveling Coat over approved substrates. Superior Stucco Star Glue is intended to be field mixed with Type I-II Portland cement that meets ASTM C-150(see Data Sheet for mixing info). Often used in a Crack Guard System (CGS), it can be applied over any sound One-Coat, Brown coat, masonry or tilt-up concrete. Superior Stucco Star Glue is a high-performance material that may be used as a leveling coat over approved substrates in most residential & commercial applications. Not intended for EIFS.
Download Superior Stucco Star Glue Spec Sheet
Download Superior Stucco Star Glue SDS Report