PVA Bonder

More Than Just Elmer’s Glue
Superior Stucco PVA Bonder uses polymerization for adhesion. Polymerization is a chemical reaction, where the sharing of electrons allows some types of molecules to join together, forming long chains called polymers. It looks and smells just like the white glue we all commonly used in school, with one major difference… Superior Stucco PVA Bonder lasts a lifetime and offers superior bond, flexural & tensile strength.
Download Superior Stucco PVA Bonder Spec Sheet
Download Superior Stucco PVA Bonder SDS Report

Superior Stucco PVA Bonder
Non-toxic, flexible and basically acid-free, Superior Stucco PVA Bonder is used on many gypsum and cementitious substrates, and has a neutral pH. Superior Stucco PVA Bonder may be used as an admix, or directly applied to exterior or interior surfaces that are free of dirt, dust, debris, oil, efflorescence and foreign matter. Apply Superior Stucco PVA Bonder with a brush, roller or sprayer. Wait until tacky and then apply cementitious material.